So...I have already admitted that I am not a soccer mom...never have been, never will be. When I look at Pinterest, I cringe. I had two boards put together and then decided it was too much like scrap booking...bottom line, (pretty sure I've said this before, too) I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than scrapbook. Just sayin. I have never been able to sit still long enough. A friend of mine is an avid scrap booking genius...I just told her, I'll take photos for her, if she'll do the scrap booking for me! ;-) Best of both worlds...
But, having said that...I want to be a creative mom, too! Like any other mom...I want to really engage...make Peanut butter play dough...and get on the floor and have real face time...I want to color Easter eggs and bake cookies and play "gonna git you"...and "tickle monster"...I want to soak them in and love on them...I just know by now...I can't do it in any "ideal" sort of way...there is nothing "ideal" about my life...not one thing. My house needs a fresh coat of paint in the worst dogs share their hair with EVERYTHING...and dust bunnies abound...and abound, and abound. It will all happen eventually...juuust not right now! I have better things to do with my time...
So...if all of that is undone...what am I doing? This....
my sweet little dancer...she is pure sunlight in a dress...
This child is simply intoxicating.
I want to LIVE IN my moments. I do not want to let a single one of them pass me by without squeezing the juice out of it. I have already lost too much time worrying about things that may never even happen(or that I have no control over anyway).
And on that note, this morning I managed to grab hold of one of the many thoughts fluttering around like butterflies in my mind. This one is a new thought on an old truth...It's not like I don't "know" this already (after all, one of the unique opportunities presented by parenting a second batch of kids is that you are already living with the *regrets* over things you did not do the first time around, and cannot change, no matter how badly you would like to have the opportunity for a do over). Anyway, I had not yet thought of it in exactly these words; while I stand here and ponder the size and number of our problems...still unsure of the actual impact those problems may, or may not have. I just *spent*(willingly handed over, threw away, used up) the only resource I have right now that truly matters to me. Time. I *spent* my time on thoughts about something that I have no control over, that has not happened yet...*this* moment does not require a response of me on that particular issue. It can wait. I could not "respond" in any constructive way right now if I wanted to...period.
So, why do I sacrifice moments when my fears are not a part of todays reality? The only things that are real, in each moment...are the activities specifically required of that moment; and the people sharing the moment with you. It is NOT procrastination to let tomorrows concerns sit *out* in the future...on their appointed day, rather than gather them to myself in this moment. I will not be any better prepared to handle them until I am facing them in the moment and God provides the clarity needed to address them at that time(I've never personally known Him to give me answers before I need them). In *that* moment...out there, on that appointed day, I will be required to take action. But, here, now, there is nothing I can do, or need to do. And, there are a whole lot of "moments" between here and there that look like*THIS*

and this(yes, he is staring in wide eyed wonder at the dust particles floating in know how to do moments...I just need to let them take me with them when they do...)
And definitely this...
...why would I willingly give up every one of those moments in between now and the moment that I have not reached yet; and frankly, why would I WANT to trade this, for facing that when I don't I have to yet? Why would I do that? Good question. Better am I going to make certain that I remember this...because, for whatever reason, realizing it in exactly *these* words has struck a chord where nothing else quite did before now... worry is an old habit.
We are already nearly 17 and 21 months into the two beautiful little lives that God has placed before us. We are witnesses, and as I know from personal experience...we cannot go back and "re do" anything we have missed thus far. *That* is a sobering thought.
Do you ever struggle with wasting your moments worrying about things that are out of your control? What do you do to try to stay in *this* moment?