Saturday, March 30, 2013

You are my sunshine...

I stand over my daughters crib in the dim light of her room tonight...charcoal lashes on silken cheeks...she is so beautiful...who could have known what a miracle God had in store of us? (She is only ONE of the miracles...if you're new here...look for my Sugar Bear Boy, Isaiah, too!)So many many fears. I just remind myself that none of this would have happened without God's Hand...and He will continue to carry us through it all.  She makes me want to be more...a better mother...a stronger woman...tender, compassionate...and faithful.  When those blue eyes flutter open and her ready smile is right there waiting...I can feel my heart squeeze...such a Zoe girl. She is so appropriately named...a girl full of life...with Heaven in her eyes. 

One of the things that I want most is to take advantage of having this blog to remember *who* my children that later in life, they can look back and see the joy in our hearts because of them!

So, who is Zoe? Zoe is a sweet little girl with sparkling eyes and a contagious laugh...sometimes the only way you can tell she is "running" is that she starts breathing really fast, even if her little legs are still just moving at the speed of "walk"! cute...and she loves to dance

...and sing. Adores music. She is living, breathing, pure ray of sunshine. 

And, there is not a single day that goes by that I do not just stare at her in amazement...still trying to wrap my mind around the reality that *I* get to be her Mama!

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! I look forward to reading your perspective! Blessings, Jeanene