Having said that, today I had this moment.
Most days I work really hard to parent my kids intentionally...and there does not seem to be much of an immediate payoff. But, today...I got a front row, up close and personal view of the payoff...
We have a rule...you play with your food, you get down and the meal is over(for you). Some days, I admit, I get irritated and slip into the "how many times do I have to tell you?" mode...pointless, but I do. Yes, I read the book "how to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk" *years* ago. But, I still slip into that place of using too many words.
Well, today...I didn't. Zoe knows the rule. She was putting her fingers in her cereal bowl and making a mess with milk. I opened my mouth to say the usual...and, instead, just said "Oh! Well, you are done." Got the wash cloth, cleaned her up, and got her down...well, when getting her down, she wrapped her little arms around my neck and just held on for a hug(not unusual, but, never would have happened if I had given in to the urge to vent frustration...she would have cried...she is VERYsensitive to tone and word)...I just stood there holding her, smelling her hair and thinking "I would have missed this." Yup...payoff, right there. I wish I could do that every day...I mean, stuff like that is SO not going to matter in 10 years, you know? They WILL outgrow it, no reason to waste time and energy OR make them feel shame of any kind...and what other reason is there for responding with a verbal tirade?? I would rather have more hugs...Lets face it, if she is still putting her fingers in her cereal when she gets to college...it won't be because she didn't get the message at some point that most folks don't appreciate that! hehe
So grateful that, for today, I chose hugs.
Here are some recent pics of the kiddos(and even of us!)! Isaiah is now three and (almost) a half...and Zoe turned three just a week or so ago!!
Sleeping beauty...I love photographing this kid sleeping, she sleeps in some adorable positions!
This was the family party on her actual bday...
Took her no time at all to figure out where that Tiara goes!! hahaha
3 year portraits, courtesy of mommy!
Family Vacation!!
Mr. Handsome Isaiah!!
Such a sweet face!
Nothing like Daddy time!!

Proud of his McQueen shoes!!
First trip to the Zoo....Isaiah and the Walrus were mutually fascinated!
it was a wonderful summer! We are still so amazed on a daily basis that God would choose to lead us into this life with these wonderful little people!
Thanks for stopping by!
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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! I look forward to reading your perspective! Blessings, Jeanene