Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year folks! Welcome 2014~

The paint is peeling, the floors are dirty, the bathroom needs cleaning in the worst way...and I am living my dreams tonight. 

The steps need swept and the dishes need washed, there is laundry piled high...and I am living my dreams tonight.

Diapers need changing and noses wiped, my sweetheart leaves crumbs on the table and something smells not quite right...and I am living my dreams tonight.

There is a fire in the hearth and a tree lit with abandon. Dogs littering the floor, and piles of “things” that need organizing. Squealing toddlers fight over a cherished toy...and I am living my dreams tonight.

I don't always remember...but, right here in this moment, I am so aware...

I am living my dreams tonight.

Happy New Year, folks...let's remember that we are already blessed!


  1. AMEN AMEN TO LIVING OUR DREAMS!! I absolutely love the beautiful pictures. God Bless your family this 2014 year!

  2. Thanks, Nella! And, the same to you and yours! How are things going? Where are you in the process? I am still just SO amazed that God had such a DIRECT plan for you. We knew it was coming...but, the very first little one? Incredible! Never been so happy to say "I told ya so!" ;-)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts! I look forward to reading your perspective! Blessings, Jeanene