Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Without love...

So many battles. So many arguments. So many stones thrown by those who call themselves Believers...I fear we have missed the point entirely.

The Proof of Your Love...For KING & COUNTRY

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sensory Processing Disorder

My kiddos both struggle with sensory process disorder. In our case(s), it's easy to point at the "why"...being born exposed to toxic substances is a pretty obvious potential explanation. But, there are plenty of kiddos out there who have struggles related to sensory processing that you might not think of, ie they don't struggle with Autism or obvious learning disabilities...before I got into this I had no idea what "proprioceptive" or "vestibular" meant. And, even having studied it...I didn't have a solid grasp on it. This video says it ALL...and clearly. This is the very best explanation I have ever heard. And, what a great kid!

A Childs View of SPD

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Two(aka Happy Birthday Isaiah)!

He is two. This is the one year anniversary of his goodbye visit with his first mom...and his second birthday! Just incredible...I don't even really know how to take it all in!

A year ago...


Happy birthday my sweet littlest boy! May Your Abba in Heaven continue to use your mommy and daddy to help you grow into the man you were made to find your gifts and your dreams and to walk beside you through it all!  Your mama loves you!