There have been moments in my life when I was out hiking in God's country that I witnessed a moment in nature that often goes largely unseen. A deer lying in tall grass(who had no idea we were watching for 20 minutes)...Eagles soaring in the clouds or watching from trees. Groundhogs(ok, am I wrong? They are the cutest chubby little things! Love them!) being Groundhogs. You name the animal and they are out there, being. They exist out in the furthest reaches of creation, just waking and living and eating and sleeping exactly as the Creator intended. He delights in them...just as they are...they don't DO anything but BE.
Watching birds flit about in the grass today in my front yard. These ones seem to especially love the dandelion I was watching them I felt a sense of relief that I had already done most of the yard work so I could look at it without the "to do's" hanging over my head. How sad is that? That is so often how I live...with the "thing to do" hanging over my head. And, I know from my experience thus's not ever going to be "all done". There is no end to that list.
God has been talking to me in the last year and a half about living WITH Him, vs FOR Him. We are asked constantly if we are "living for" God...we talk about "living for" God. But, as far as I can tell...everything in scripture speaks of His desire for us to live WITH Him, not for Him. He does not care what you DO. He wants your heart. Let that sink in...
When I live "for" Him...I am constantly striving...trying to do and be something I am not on my own. WITH Him...I am free to just be who I am in Him and let the rest go.