Just saying...and, then Mama decided to get it. Sorry for the looonnngg silence folks. We have had a ton going on here. Including a raging rampant stomach virus that when it hits, hits like a mac truck!(see photo, I had the bruises to prove it!)
I still have a ridge in my jaw...but, it doesn't really hurt anymore. The kitchen counter top and I had a date at 3am while I was trying to reach for a "bucket" to be sick in...what can I say? I am a mom...mom's are the "bucket retrievers" we do not ask other people to get us a bucket...we just don't. So, at 3am when I just *knew* was going to be sick, I lurched up the stairs to the kitchen(too much laundry piled between me and the bathroom door off the laundry room, not to mention...a mom will do much to avoid waking sick toddlers!) ...reached for the plastic bowl...and crash. I remember feeling an explosion of pain in my jaw and chest...but, from a distance...and then I woke up(estimates are about 15-20 minutes out on the floor)in a cold sweat, trying to figure out where I was...and finally...got sick. Yeah...didn't have the bowl at that point. Ugh.
We have had a ton happen since then, and I will write more soon...life is never what you think it will be. Stick with us folks...more gritty, honest, painful yuck(about real life, fostering and adoption) soon.